Camps in West St. Paul

Spring Break Camps at the Main Property in West St. Paul

Scroll to see titles, descriptions, and dates of camps offered at the Main Property in West St. Paul.

For kids in Grades K–1

March 24: In the Maple Woods

Collect sap and get the fire going to boil sap down into maple syrup and sugar! Stories and snacks by the campfire, games in the woods, and sweet treats are all part of your day in the maple woods.

Cost: $65

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March 25: Storytime Squad

Stories come alive in this camp! Dive into a variety of exciting picture books and bring the stories to life through fun and creative activities. Explore different worlds and meet fascinating characters. Bring your imagination, your appetite, and your sense of adventure.

Cost: $65

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March 26: Fantastical Forest Folk

The magical creatures of the forest are looking for a new place to call home! Spend the day working together to build a village perfect for any fairy, gnome, or smartly dressed critter. Campers will participate in collaborative fort building, imaginative play, and hands-on DIY activities to bring this fantasy world to life!

Cost: $65

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March 27: Nature Hide-and-Seek

Ready or not, here we come! Come play games of hide-and-seek to hone your observational skills, meet camouflaged critters up close, and learn all about how wild animals hide in plain sight.

Cost: $65

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For kids in Grades 2–4

March 24: Budding Adventures

Spring has sprung! Join us for a day of exploring the woods, meeting animals, building forts, and making fires (and memories) in nature.

Cost: $65

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March 25: Animals Around Us

From the woods to the farm, animals are everywhere! Explore Dodge to find signs that animals left behind. Get up close and hands on with some animals that call Minnesota their home.

Cost: $65

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March 26: Syrup Season

As winter changes to spring, it’s maple syrup season! Tap trees, hang buckets, split wood, and stoke the fire under the cauldron to make spring’s sweet treat.

Cost: $65

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March 27: Forts, Fires, Food, Fun!

Make yourself at home in the woods as you spend your day building forts, making fires, and cooking tasty food. Tarps, sticks, rocks, matches, and even flint and steel will be used in your creations throughout the day.

Cost: $65

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For kids in Grades 5–8

March 25: Nature Engineers

Learn how natural shapes and patterns have inspired human-made inventions. Try making your own camouflage, see how things flew before we did, and so much more. This camp will show you that humans and nature aren’t so different after all!

Cost: $65

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March 26: Backcountry Basics

Hone your bushcraft and backcountry skills! Practice building survival shelters, sparking fires with one match (or none), cooking delicious food over a fire, and aiming axes at a target.

Cost: $65

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Search Dodge Nature Center