Coloring Pages
Color it Wild with Dodge!
Nature-inspired coloring pages created by naturalists (and artists) Ashley Johnson and Andy Vang. Stay inside the lines—or go wild!
Minnesota’s waterways support thriving ecosystems with diverse plants and wildlife. Break out the hues of blues!
Painted Turtles
Painted turtles love to bask in the sun! These turtles are ectothermic, meaning their body is the same temperature as their surroundings. Next time you’re on the boardwalk across the Farm Pond, see how many turtles you can count.
Barred Owl
Lunar or later, we all need a break! Color this serene scene featuring a barred owl and a coyote.
In real life, their coats are dapple-gray. But you can always draw a horse of a different color!
It’s an awesome opossum! The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is found in forests and farmland in all parts of Minnesota, except the most northern, coldest areas. At Dodge, opossum have been spotted hanging out on the Main Property. Get out those gray, pink and white crayons and color away!
Prairie Pollinators
Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators support healthy ecosystems everywhere. Visit the Dodge prairie to see bees buzzing on gray-headed coneflower and butterflies fluttering to blazing star.
Ready for a rockin’ robin coloring page? An American robin feeds a trio of needy nestlings. These hungry babies will reach their parents’ size within two weeks of hatching!
Gray and red squirrels store food in many places around their habitat, ensuring they’ll have a food source in winter.