Use & Publication Policy

Dodge Nature Center reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or to reproduce photographs.

Use, Publication, Credits

Permission to publish material from Dodge Nature Center must be obtained in advance of publication, and will require a fee per image pertaining to use or reproduction. Possession of an image does not constitute permission to use it. Recognition credit of Dodge Nature Center as the location of imagery must be visible or stated on the publication. If the imagery is digital, tagging/linking/ or inserting a caption indicating Dodge Nature Center as the site name is sufficient. All fees are in U.S. dollars, are charged per image, and are for a single use.

Permit Fees

Personal $0
MN Nonprofit/Education $0
Government $0
MN News Media $0
*Commercial Speculation - No Use Authorized $0
Books $30
Newspapers/Magazines $30
Brochures/Print Materials $30
Broadcast $30
Film or Video $30
Social Media Ad $30
Merchandise Items $30
Public Display and/or Distribution $30
Website $50
Advertising $100

Category Descriptions

Personal Use: The image(s) will be used only in private home, private office, or personal social media. They will not be displayed or reproduced in a public or commercial business for any purpose.

Non-profit/Educational Use/Government/MN News Media: The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast by a Minnesota 501 (c)(3) organization, MN News Media, or for Government use through a department of State, County, or City. Any profit from the publication, display, or broadcast will go into the account of the non-profit organization or department of government and not to an individual or corporation.

Commercial: The image(s) will be reproduced, published, displayed, or broadcast in a commercial environment of profit. This includes commercial websites, social media posts not pertaining or in direct relation with Dodge Nature Center, and representing a person or a corporation who sells goods or services.

*Commercial Speculation: The image(s) will be used for profit-making publication, display, or broadcast, but the final selection of photos to be published, displayed, or broadcast has not been made by the publisher or other creating entity. The request for permission will be made later.

Public Display and/or Distribution: Displayed and distributed image(s) in a public environment such as a restaurant, museum, business office, or reception area.

Merchandise Items: Digital imagery, calendars, note cards, coffee mugs, etc.

Question? Send it this way.

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